Checks and returns the return terms for one or more order items, according to the rules.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.return-rules.check', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.return-rules.check
"orderItems" : [ 8029651, 8029653, … ] // order items (id) to check (required) - int(1…)
"status" : "ok",
"terms" : [ { // return terms
"orderItem" : 8029651, // order item (id) - int(1…)
"shipment" : 739820, // shipment (id) - int(1…)
"isReturnable" : true, // indicates if the order item is returnable - bool
"rule" : 7, // return rule (id) that applies (can be null) - int(1…)
"quantity" : 3.00, // quantity that can be returned - decimal[8,2](0…)
"lastDateToReturn" : "2020-10-21" // last valid date to return the item (can be null) - date
}, … ]
Field | Type | Description |
ids | Malformed | An order item id is repeated |
is true
if and only if
Returns the return rules that meet the given conditions.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.return-rules.find', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.return-rules.find
"conditions" : { // return only the rules …
"after" : 7 // … with identifier after this value - int(0…)
"language" : "en", // language ( ISO code ) of the texts to return - string(2)
"fields" : [ "id", "position", "name", … ], // returns only these fields - string
"order" : [ "name" ], // sort order of returned return rules, can contain "position", "-position", "name", "-name",
// "fromOrderDate", "-fromOrderDate", "toOrderDate", "-toOrderDate", "allowsReturn", "-allowsReturn", "approveAutomatically", "-approveAutomatically", "maxDaysToReturn", "-maxDaysToReturn"
"limit" : 10, // maximum number of return rules to return - int(1…)
"first" : 0 // index of the first return rule to return - int(0…)
"status" : "ok",
"rules" : [ {
"id" : 7, // identifier - int(1…)
"position" : 3, // position - int(1…)
"name" : "...", // name - string(0…60)
"allowReturns" : true, // indicates if returns are allowed - bool
"approveAutomatically" : false, // indicates if allowed returns are automatically approved - bool
"reasons" : [ 3, 6, 10, … ], // reasons (id) that the customer can choose (can be null) - int(1…)
"maxDaysToReturn" : 30, // maximum number of days, from delivery date, to request a return - int(1…5000)
"description" : { // description - string(2) -> string(0…1000)
"en" : "...",
"it" : "..."
"fromOrderDate" : "2020-01-01", // applied to orders from this order date (can be null) - date
"toOrderDate" : "2020-12-31", // applied to orders up to this order date (can be null) - date
"resources" : { // resources to which it is applied (can be null)
"type" : "Product", // type of resources, can be "Product", "Department", "Producer" or "AttributeValue" - string
"ids" : [ 287, 98, … ] // products, departments, producers or attribute values (id) - int(1…)
"customerType" : "Person", // customer to which it is applied (can be null), can be "Person" or "Company"
"groups" : [ 5, 7, … ], // customer groups (id) to which it is applied (can be null) - int(1…255)
"countries" : { // countries of the order to which it is applied (can be null)
"codes" : [ "UK", "IT", … ], // codes (ISO code) - string(2)
"refersTo" : "Shipping" // indicates if the codes refers to billing or shipping address of the order, can be "Billing" or "Shipping" - string
}, … ]
Returns a return rule given its identifier.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.return-rules.get', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.return-rules.get
"id" : 7, // identifier (required) - int(1…)
"language" : "en", // language ( ISO code ) of the texts to return - string(2)
"fields" : [ "id", "position", "name", … ] // returns only these fields - string
"status" : "ok",
"rule" : { // (can be null)
"id" : 7, // identifier - int(1…)
"position" : 3, // position - int(1…)
"name" : "...", // name - string(0…60)
"allowReturns" : true, // indicates if returns are allowed - bool
"approveAutomatically" : false, // indicates if allowed returns are automatically approved - bool
"reasons" : [ 3, 6, 10, … ], // reasons (id) that the customer can choose (can be null) - int(1…)
"maxDaysToReturn" : 30, // maximum number of days, from delivery date, to request a return - int(1…5000)
"description" : { // description - string(2) -> string(0…1000)
"en" : "...",
"it" : "..."
"fromOrderDate" : "2020-01-01", // applied to orders from this order date (can be null) - date
"toOrderDate" : "2020-12-31", // applied to orders up to this order date (can be null) - date
"resources" : { // resources to which it is applied (can be null)
"type" : "Product", // type of resources, can be "Product", "Department", "Producer" or "AttributeValue" - string
"ids" : [ 287, 98, … ] // products, departments, producers or attribute values (id) - int(1…)
"customerType" : "Person", // customer to which it is applied (can be null), can be "Person" or "Company"
"groups" : [ 5, 7, … ], // customer groups (id) to which it is applied (can be null) - int(1…255)
"countries" : { // countries of the order to which it is applied (can be null)
"codes" : [ "UK", "IT", … ], // codes (ISO code) - string(2)
"refersTo" : "Shipping" // indicates if the codes refers to billing or shipping address of the order, can be "Billing" or "Shipping" - string
Number of return rules that meet the given conditions.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.return-rules.count', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.return-rules.count
"conditions" : { // counts the rules …
"after" : 7 // … with identifier after this value - int(0…)
"status" : "ok",
"count" : 16 // number of return rules - int(0…)
Creates a new return rule.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.return-rules.create', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/5/commerce.return-rules.create
"rule" : { // rule to create (required)
"position" : 3, // position - int(1…)
"name" : "...", // name - string(0…60)
"allowReturns" : true, // indicates if returns are allowed - bool
"approveAutomatically" : false, // indicates if allowed returns are automatically approved - bool
"reasons" : [ 3, 6, 10, … ], // reasons (id) that the customer can choose (can be null) - int(1…)
"maxDaysToReturn" : 30, // maximum number of days, from delivery date, to request a return - int(1…5000)
"description" : { // description - string(2) -> string(0…1000)
"en" : "...",
"it" : "..."
"fromOrderDate" : "2020-01-01", // applied to orders from this order date (can be null) - date
"toOrderDate" : "2020-12-31", // applied to orders up to this order date (can be null) - date
"resources" : { // resources to which it is applied (can be null)
"type" : "Product", // type of resources, can be "Product", "Department", "Producer" or "AttributeValue" - string
"ids" : [ 287, 98, … ] // products, departments, producers or attribute values (id) - int(1…)
"customerType" : "Person", // customer to which it is applied (can be null), can be "Person" or "Company"
"groups" : [ 5, 7, … ], // customer groups (id) to which it is applied (can be null) - int(1…255)
"countries" : { // countries to which it is applied (can be null)
"codes" : [ "UK", "IT", … ], // codes (ISO) of the countries - string(2)
"refersTo" : "Shipping" // indicates if the codes refers to billing or shipping address of the order, can be "Billing" or "Shipping" - string
"status" : "ok",
"id" : 7 // identifier of the new return rule - int(1…)
Field | Type | Description |
countries | Malformed | '<code> ' is not a valid country code |
countries | Malformed | A country code is repeated |
countries | NotFound | Country '<code> ' does not exist |
create | NotAvailable | Return rules are not available for this installation |
groups | Malformed | There must be no more than 20 customer groups |
groups | NotFound | Customer group <group> does not exist |
reasons | Malformed | There must be no more than 100 return reasons |
reasons | NotFound | Return reason <reason> does not exist |
resources | Malformed | There must be no more than 16.000 resources |
Updates a return rule. Any fields left out of the request will remain unchanged.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.return-rules.update', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.return-rules.update
"id" : 7, // identifier of the rule to update (required) - int(1…)
"rule" : { // rule's fields to update (required)
"position" : 3, // position - int(1…)
"name" : "...", // name - string(0…60)
"allowReturns" : true, // indicates if returns are allowed - bool
"approveAutomatically" : false, // indicates if allowed returns are automatically approved - bool
"reasons" : [ 3, 6, 10, … ], // reasons (id) that the customer can choose (can be null) - int(1…)
"maxDaysToReturn" : 30, // maximum number of days, from delivery date, to request a return - int(1…5000)
"description" : { // description - string(2) -> string(0…1000)
"en" : "...",
"it" : "..."
"fromOrderDate" : "2020-01-01", // applied to orders from this order date (can be null) - date
"toOrderDate" : "2020-12-31", // applied to orders up to this order date (can be null) - date
"resources" : { // resources to which it is applied (can be null)
"type" : "Product", // type of resources, can be "Product", "Department", "Producer" or "AttributeValue" - string
"ids" : [ 287, 98, … ] // products, departments, producers or attribute values (id) - int(1…)
"customerType" : "Person", // customer to which it is applied (can be null), can be "Person" or "Company"
"groups" : [ 5, 7, … ], // customer groups (id) to which it is applied (can be null) - int(1…255)
"countries" : { // countries to which it is applied (can be null)
"codes" : [ "UK", "IT", … ], // codes (ISO) of the countries - string(2)
"refersTo" : "Shipping" // indicates if the codes refers to billing or shipping address of the order, can be "Billing" or "Shipping" - string
"status" : "ok"
Field | Type | Description |
countries | Malformed | '<code> ' is not a valid country code |
countries | Malformed | A country code is repeated |
countries | NotFound | Country '<code> ' does not exist |
groups | Malformed | There must be no more than 20 customer groups |
groups | NotFound | Customer group <group> does not exist |
id | NotFound | Return rule <id> does not exist |
reasons | Malformed | There must be no more than 100 return reasons |
reasons | NotFound | Return reason <reason> does not exist |
resources | Malformed | There must be no more than 16.000 resources |
update | NotAvailable | Return rules are not available for this installation |
Deletes one or more return rules.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.return-rules.delete', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.return-rules.delete
"ids" : [ 7, 12, … ] // identifiers of the rules to delete (required) - int(1…)
"status" : "ok"