Returns all the notes of a document.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.notes.find', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.notes.find
"conditions" : { // returns only the notes …
"type" : "Customer", // … with this type, can be "Customer", "Order", "Quote", "Invoice", "Receipt", "PackingSlip" or "Return" (required) - string
"documents" : [ 1167942543, … ], // … of these documents (id) - int(1…)
"after" : 39821 // … with identifier after this value - int(0…)
"fields" : [ "id", "type", "document", … ] // fields to return
"order" : [ "id", … ], // sort order of returned notes, can contain "id", "-id", "type", "-type", "document", "-document",
// "time" and "-time" - string
"limit" : 10, // maximum number of notes to return - int(1…)
"first" : 0 // index of the first note to return - int(0…)
"status" : "ok",
"notes" : [ {
"id" : 39821, // identifier - int(1…)
"type" : "Customer", // type, can be "Customer", "Order", "Quote", "Invoice", "Receipt", "PackingSlip" or "Return" - string
"document" : 1167942543, // document (id) to which the note refers - int(1…)
"time" : "2020-09-15 14:55:34", // date and time - datetime
"text" : "Confirmation email has been sent" // text - string(0…1200)
}, … ]
Number of notes that meet the given conditions.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.notes.count', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.notes.count
"conditions" : { // counts only the notes …
"type" : "Customer", // … with this type, can be "Customer", "Order", "Quote", "Invoice", "Receipt", "PackingSlip" or "Return" (required) - string
"documents" : [ 1167942543, … ], // … of these documents (id) - int(1…)
"after" : 39821 // … with identifier after this value - int(0…)
"status" : "ok",
"count" : 173 // number of notes - int(1…)
Creates a new note for a document.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.notes.create', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.notes.create
"note" : { // note to create (required)
"type" : "Customer", // type of document, can be "Customer", "Order", "Quote", "Invoice", "Receipt", "PackingSlip" or "Return" (required) - string
"document" : 1167942543, // document (id) to which the note refers (required) - int(1…)
"time" : "2020-09-15 14:55:34", // date and time - datetime
"text" : "Email has been sent" // text - string(0…1200)
"status" : "ok",
"id" : 60913 // identifier of the new note - int(1…)
Field | Type | Description |
document | NotFound | Document <document> of type '<type> ' does not exist |
document | LimitReached | Document <document> of type '<type> ' has already 100 notes |
Updates a note of a document. Any fields left out of the request will remain unchanged.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.notes.update', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.notes.update
"id" : 90471, // identifier of the note to update (required) - int(1…)
"note" : { // note's fields to update (required)
"time" : "2020-09-15 14:55:34", // date and time - datetime
"text" : "Email has been sent" // text - string(0…1200)
"status" : "ok"
Field | Type | Description |
document | NotFound | Document <document> of type <type> does not exist |
time | InvalidValue | Time '<time> ' is in the future |
time | NotFound | Note with time '<time> ' does not exist |
time | AlreadyExists | Note with time '<time> ' already exists |
Deletes one o more notes of a document.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.notes.delete', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.notes.delete
"ids" : [ 90471, 7002, … ] // identifiers of the notes to delete (required) - int(1…)
"status" : "ok"
Field | Type | Description |
document | NotFound | Document <document> of type '<type> ' does not exist |
times | InvalidValue | Time '<time> ' is in the future |