Returns the promotions that meet the given conditions.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.promotions.find', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.promotions.find
"conditions" : { // returns the promotions …
"ids" : [ 281, 89, 12, … ], // … with these identifiers - int(1…)
"isActive" : true, // … that are active or no - bool
"inActivityRange" : true, // … for which current time is between promotion's startTime and endTime -- bool
"type" : "DiscountedItems", // … of this type, can be "DiscountedItems", "DiscountedSubtotal" or "DiscountedShippings" - string
"resourcesType" : "Product", // … with resources of this type (can be null), can be "Product", "Department", "Producer" or "AttributeValue" - string
"group" : 5, // … that are also applied to this customer group (id) - int(1…255)
"coupon" : "PROMO2020", // … with this coupon code (can be null) - string(1…32)
"after" : 43 // … with identifier after this value - int(0…)
"language" : "en", // language ( ISO code ) of the texts to return - string(2)
"fields" : [ "id", "name", … ], // fields to return - string
"order" : [ "name" ], // sort order of returned promotions, can contain "id", "-id", "name", "-name", "isActive", "-isActive",
// "priority, "-priority", "type", "-type", "startTime", "-startTime", "endTime" and "-endTime" - string
"limit" : 10, // maximum number of promotions to return - int(1…)
"first" : 0 // index of the first promotion to return - int(0…)
"status" : "ok",
"promotions" : [ {
"id" : 43, // identifier - int(1…)
"name" : { // name - string(2) -> string(0…60)
"en" : "Promo 2020",
"it" : "Promo 2020"
"summary" : { // summary description - string(2) -> string(0…65535)
"en" : "…",
"it" : "…"
"description" : { // detailed description - string(2) -> string(0…65535)
"en" : "…",
"it" : "…"
"isActive" : true, // indicates if it is active or not - bool
"inActivityRange" : true, // indicates if current time is between promotion's startTime and endTime -- bool
"priority" : 50, // priority, 1 is higher and 100 is lower - int(1…100)
"type" : "DiscountedItems", // type, can be "DiscountedItems", "DiscountedSubtotal" or "DiscountedShippings" - string
"resources" : { // resources to which it is applied (can be null)
"type" : "Product", // type of resources, can be "Product", "Department", "Producer" or "AttributeValue" - string
"ids" : [ 287, 98, … ] // products, departments, producers or attribute values (id) - int(1…)
"discountedQuantity" : { // quantity that will be discounted (can be null)
"quantity" : 4, // quantity of discounted items - int(1..)
"excludeMinQuantity" : false // indicates if the minimum quantity is excluded from the discount - bool
"shippingMethods" : [ 3, 5, … ], // shipping methods (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
"groups" : [ 5, 7, … ], // customer groups (id) (can be null) - int(1…255)
"coupon" : "PROMO2020", // coupon code (can be null) - string(1…32)
"minSubtotal" : 50.00, // minimum cart subtotal (can be null) - decimal[8,2](0..)
"maxSubtotal" : null, // maximum cart subtotal, can not be zero (can be null) - decimal[8,2](0..)
"minQuantity" : { // minimum quantity to purchase (can be null)
"quantity" : 4, // minimum quantity of items in the cart - int(0..)
"groupBy" : "Item" // how to group purchased quantity. Can be "Item", "Product" or "Cart" - string
"discount" : { // discount
"type" : "PercentOff", // discount type, can be "PercentOff", "AmountOff" or "FixedPrice" - string
"value" : 20.000 // discount value - decimal[8,3](0…)
"startTime" : "2020-11-15 12:00:00", // first promotion date and time - datetime
"endTime" : "2020-01-15 12:00:00", // last promotion date and time - datetime
"hourLimits" : { // Hours during which the promotion is active (can be null)
"start" : 12, // Hour of promotion activation - int(0..23)
"end" : 18 // Hour of promotion deactivation - int(0..23)
"combinationRule" : "Discounted", // combination rule, can be "None", "Discounted", "Subsequent" or "DiscountedAndSubsequent" - string
"smallImage" : { // small image (can be null)
"url" : "https://…", // URL - string(10…255)
"width" : 200, // width in pixel - int(1…2500)
"height" : 180 // height in pixel - int(1…2500)
"largeImage" : { // large image (can be null)
"url" : "https://…", // URL - string(10…255)
"width" : 800, // width in pixel - int(1…2500)
"height" : 960 // height in pixel - int(1…2500)
"productsLayout" : { // products layout on the promotion page
"products" : 12, // number of products per page, can be 0, 12, 24, 36, 48 or 72 - int
"columns" : 4, // columns, can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 - int
"sortOrder" : "-Price", // sort order, can be "Position", "Name", "-Name", "Price", "-Price" or "Date" - string
"imageSize" : "Optimal", // image size, can be "Optimal", Small", "Medium" or "Large" - string
"showDescription" : false // indicates if the description is displayed - bool
"seoTitle" : { // title for SEO - string(2) -> string(0…255)
"en" : "",
"it" : ""
"seoDescription" : { // description for SEO - string(2) -> string(0…255)
"en" : "",
"it" : ""
"canonicalURL" : { // canonical URL - string(2) -> string(10…)
"en" : "",
"it" : "",
}, … ]
Returns a promotion given its identifier.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.promotions.get', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.promotions.get
"id" : 43, // identifier (required) - int(1…)
"language" : "en", // language ( ISO code ) of the texts to return - string(2)
"fields" : [ "id", "name", "summary", … ] // fields to return - string
"status" : "ok",
"promotion" : { // (can be null)
"id" : 43, // identifier - int(1…)
"name" : { // name - string(2) -> string(0…60)
"en" : "Promo 2020",
"it" : "Promo 2020"
"summary" : { // summary description - string(2) -> string(0…65535)
"en" : "…",
"it" : "…"
"description" : { // detailed description - string(2) -> string(0…65535)
"en" : "…",
"it" : "…"
"isActive" : true, // indicates if it is active or not - bool
"inActivityRange" : true, // indicates if current time is between promotion's startTime and endTime -- bool
"priority" : 50, // priority, 1 is higher and 100 is lower - int(1…100)
"type" : "DiscountedItems", // type, can be "DiscountedItems", "DiscountedSubtotal" or "DiscountedShippings" - string
"resources" : { // resources to which it is applied (can be null)
"type" : "Product", // type of resources, can be "Product", "Department", "Producer" or "AttributeValue" - string
"ids" : [ 287, 98, … ] // products, departments, producers or attribute values (id) - int(1…)
"discountedQuantity" : { // quantity that will be discounted (can be null)
"quantity" : 4, // quantity of discounted items - int(1..)
"excludeMinQuantity" : false // indicates if the minimum quantity is excluded from the discount - bool
"shippingMethods" : [ 3, 5, … ], // shipping methods (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
"groups" : [ 5, 7, … ], // customer groups (id) (can be null) - int(1…255)
"coupon" : "PROMO2020", // coupon code (can be null) - string(1…32)
"minSubtotal" : 50.00, // minimum cart subtotal (can be null) - decimal[8,2](0..)
"maxSubtotal" : null, // maximum cart subtotal, can not be zero (can be null) - decimal[8,2](0..)
"minQuantity" : { // minimum quantity to purchase (can be null)
"quantity" : 4, // minimum quantity of items in the cart - int(0..)
"groupBy" : "Item" // how to group purchased quantity. Can be "Item", "Product" or "Cart" - string
"discount" : { // discount
"type" : "PercentOff", // discount type, can be "PercentOff", "AmountOff" or "FixedPrice" - string
"value" : 20.000 // discount value - decimal[8,3](0…)
"startTime" : "2020-11-15 12:00:00", // first promotion date and time - datetime
"endTime" : "2020-01-15 12:00:00", // last promotion date and time - datetime
"hourLimits" : { // Hours during which the promotion is active (can be null)
"start" : 12, // Hour of promotion activation - int(0..23)
"end" : 18 // Hour of promotion deactivation - int(0..23)
"combinationRule" : "Discounted", // combination rule, can be "None", "Discounted", "Subsequent" or "DiscountedAndSubsequent" - string
"smallImage" : { // small image (can be null)
"url" : "https://…", // URL - string(10…255)
"width" : 200, // width in pixel - int(1…2500)
"height" : 180 // height in pixel - int(1…2500)
"largeImage" : { // large image (can be null)
"url" : "https://…", // URL - string(10…255)
"width" : 800, // width in pixel - int(1…2500)
"height" : 960 // height in pixel - int(1…2500)
"productsLayout" : { // products layout on the promotion page
"products" : 12, // number of products per page, can be 0, 12, 24, 36, 48 or 72 - int
"columns" : 4, // columns, can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 - int
"sortOrder" : "-Price", // sort order, can be "Position", "Name", "-Name", "Price", "-Price" or "Date" - string
"imageSize" : "Optimal", // image size, can be "Optimal", Small", "Medium" or "Large" - string
"showDescription" : false // indicates if the description is displayed - bool
"seoTitle" : { // title for SEO - string(2) -> string(0…255)
"en" : "",
"it" : ""
"seoDescription" : { // description for SEO - string(2) -> string(0…255)
"en" : "",
"it" : ""
"canonicalURL" : { // canonical URL - string(2) -> string(10…)
"en" : "",
"it" : "",
Number of promotions that meet the given conditions.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.promotions.count', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.promotions.count
"conditions" : { // counts only the promotions …
"ids" : [ 281, 89, 12, … ], // … with these identifiers - int(1…)
"isActive" : true, // … that are active or no - bool
"inActivityRange" : true, // … for which current time is between promotion's startTime and endTime -- bool
"type" : "DiscountedItems", // … of this type, can be "DiscountedItems", "DiscountedSubtotal" or "DiscountedShippings" - string
"resourcesType" : "Product", // … with resources of this type (can be null), can be "Product", "Department", "Producer" or "AttributeValue" - string
"group" : 5, // … that are also applied to this customer group (id) - int(1…255)
"coupon" : "PROMO2020", // … with this coupon code (can be null) - string(1…32)
"after" : 43 // … with identifier after this value - int(0…)
"status" : "ok",
"count" : 7 // number of promotions - int(0…)
Creates a new promotion.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.promotions.create', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.promotions.create
"promotion" : { // promotion to create (required)
"name" : { // name - string(2) -> string(0…60)
"en" : "Promo 2020",
"it" : "Promo 2020"
"summary" : { // summary description - string(2) -> string(0…65535)
"en" : "…",
"it" : "…"
"description" : { // detailed description - string(2) -> string(0…65535)
"en" : "…",
"it" : "…"
"priority" : 50, // priority, 1 is higher and 100 is lower - int(1…100)
"type" : "DiscountedItems", // type, can be "DiscountedItems", "DiscountedSubtotal" or "DiscountedShippings" - string
"resources" : { // resources to which it is applied (can be null)
"type" : "Product", // type of resources, can be "Product", "Department", "Producer" or "AttributeValue" - string
"ids" : [ 287, 98, … ] // products, departments, producers or attribute values (id) - int(1…)
"discountedQuantity" : { // quantity that will be discounted (can be null)
"quantity" : 4, // quantity of discounted items - int(1..)
"excludeMinQuantity" : false // indicates if the minimum quantity is excluded from the discount - bool
"shippingMethods" : [ 3, 5, … ], // shipping methods (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
"groups" : [ 5, 7, … ], // customer groups (id) (can be null) - int(1…255)
"coupon" : "PROMO2020", // coupon code (can be null) - string(1…32)
"minSubtotal" : 50.00, // minimum cart subtotal (can be null) - decimal[8,2](0..)
"maxSubtotal" : null, // maximum cart subtotal, can not be zero (can be null) - decimal[8,2](0..)
"minQuantity" : { // minimum quantity to purchase (can be null)
"quantity" : 4, // minimum quantity of items in the cart - int(0..)
"groupBy" : "Item" // how to group purchased quantity. Can be "Item", "Product" or "Cart" - string
"discount" : { // discount
"type" : "PercentOff", // discount type, can be "PercentOff", "AmountOff" or "FixedPrice" - string
"value" : 20.000 // discount value - decimal[8,3](0…)
"startTime" : "2020-11-15 12:00:00", // first promotion date and time - datetime
"endTime" : "2020-01-15 12:00:00", // last promotion date and time - datetime
"hourLimits" : { // Hours during which the promotion is active (can be null)
"start" : 12, // Hour of promotion activation - int(0..23)
"end" : 18 // Hour of promotion deactivation - int(0..23)
"combinationRule" : "Discounted", // combination rule, can be "None", "Discounted", "Subsequent" or "DiscountedAndSubsequent" - string
"productsLayout" : { // products layout on the promotion page
"products" : 12, // number of products per page, can be 0, 12, 24, 36, 48 or 72 - int
"columns" : 4, // columns, can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 - int
"sortOrder" : "-Price", // sort order, can be "Position", "Name", "-Name", "Price", "-Price" or "Date" - string
"imageSize" : "Optimal", // image size, can be "Optimal", Small", "Medium" or "Large" - string
"showDescription" : false // indicates if the description is displayed - bool
"seoTitle" : { // title for SEO - string(2) -> string(0…255)
"en" : "",
"it" : ""
"seoDescription" : { // description for SEO - string(2) -> string(0…255)
"en" : "",
"it" : ""
"status" : "ok",
"id" : 43 // identifier of the new promotion - int(1…)
Field | Type | Description |
coupon | Malformed | Coupon cannot start or end with spaces |
discount | InvalidValue | Discount type cannot be 'FixedPrice' for 'DiscountSubtotal' promotions |
discount | InvalidValue | Discount value must be less than 100 for 'PercentOff' discounts |
discountedQuantity | InvalidCombination | Discounted quantity cannot be null for 'DiscountedItems' promotions |
discountedQuantity | InvalidCombination | Discounted quantity must be null for <type> promotions |
endTime | InvalidValue | End time must be less than or equal to start time |
groups | Malformed | There must be no more than 20 groups |
groups | NotFound | Customer group <group> does not exist |
hourLimits | Malformed | start and end cannot be equal |
minQuantity | InvalidCombination | Minimum quantity cannot be null for 'DiscountedItems' promotions |
minQuantity | InvalidCombination | Minimum quantity must be null for <type> promotions |
promotion | InvalidValue | Promotions are not available for this installation |
resources | InvalidValue | 'DiscountSubtotal' and 'DiscountShippings' promotions cannot have resources |
resources | Malformed | There must be no more than 16.000 resources |
shippingMethods | Malformed | There must be no more than 20 shipping methods |
shippingMethods | NotFound | Shipping method <method> does not exist |
shippingMethods | InvalidValue | Only 'DiscountedShippings' promotions can have shipping methods |
Updates a promotion. Any fields left out of the request will remain unchanged.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.promotions.update', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.promotions.update
"id" : 43, // identifier of the promotion to update (required)
"promotion" : { // promotion's fields to update (required)
"name" : { // name - string(2) -> string(0…60)
"en" : "Promo 2020",
"it" : "Promo 2020"
"summary" : { // summary description - string(2) -> string(0…65535)
"en" : "…",
"it" : "…"
"description" : { // detailed description - string(2) -> string(0…65535)
"en" : "…",
"it" : "…"
"priority" : 50, // priority, 1 is higher and 100 is lower - int(1…100)
"resources" : { // resources to which it is applied (can be null)
"type" : "Product", // type of resources, can be "Product", "Department", "Producer" or "AttributeValue" - string
"ids" : [ 287, 98, … ] // products, departments, producers or attribute values (id) - int(1…)
"discountedQuantity" : { // quantity that will be discounted (can be null)
"quantity" : 4, // quantity of discounted items - int(1..)
"excludeMinQuantity" : false // indicates if the minimum quantity is excluded from the discount - bool
"shippingMethods" : [ 3, 5, … ], // shipping methods (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
"groups" : [ 5, 7, … ], // customer groups (id) (can be null) - int(1…255)
"coupon" : "PROMO2020", // coupon code (can be null) - string(1…32)
"minSubtotal" : 50.00, // minimum cart subtotal (can be null) - decimal[8,2](0..)
"maxSubtotal" : null, // maximum cart subtotal, can not be zero (can be null) - decimal[8,2](0..)
"minQuantity" : { // minimum quantity to purchase (can be null)
"quantity" : 4, // minimum quantity of items in the cart - int(0..)
"groupBy" : "Item" // how to group purchased quantity. Can be "Item", "Product" or "Cart" - string
"discount" : { // discount
"type" : "PercentOff", // discount type, can be "PercentOff", "AmountOff" or "FixedPrice" - string
"value" : 20.000 // discount value - decimal[8,3](0…)
"startTime" : "2020-11-15 12:00:00", // first promotion date and time - datetime
"endTime" : "2020-01-15 12:00:00", // last promotion date and time - datetime
"hourLimits" : { // Hours during which the promotion is active (can be null)
"start" : 12, // Hour of promotion activation - int(0..23)
"end" : 18 // Hour of promotion deactivation - int(0..23)
"combinationRule" : "Discounted", // combination rule, can be "None", "Discounted", "Subsequent" or "DiscountedAndSubsequent" - string
"smallImage" : { // small image (can be null)
"name" : "small.jpg", // file name - string(1…255)
"content" : "N3R…zaA==" // content encoded in Base64 - string
"largeImage" : { // large image (can be null)
"name" : "large.jpg", // file name - string(1…255)
"content" : "N3R…zaA==" // content encoded in Base64 - string
"productsLayout" : { // products layout on the promotion page
"products" : 12, // number of products per page, can be 0, 12, 24, 36, 48 or 72 - int
"columns" : 4, // columns, can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 - int
"sortOrder" : "-Price", // sort order, can be "Position", "Name", "-Name", "Price", "-Price" or "Date" - string
"imageSize" : "Optimal", // image size, can be "Optimal", Small", "Medium" or "Large" - string
"showDescription" : false // indicates if the description is displayed - bool
"seoTitle" : { // title for SEO - string(2) -> string(0…255)
"en" : "",
"it" : ""
"seoDescription" : { // description for SEO - string(2) -> string(0…255)
"en" : "",
"it" : ""
"status" : "ok"
Field | Type | Description |
coupon | Malformed | Coupon cannot start or end with spaces |
discount | InvalidValue | Discount type cannot be 'FixedPrice' for 'DiscountSubtotal' promotions |
discount | InvalidValue | Discount value must be less than 100 for 'PercentOff' discounts |
discountedQuantity | InvalidCombination | Discounted quantity cannot be null for 'DiscountedItems' promotions |
discountedQuantity | InvalidCombination | Discounted quantity must be null for <type> promotions |
endTime | InvalidValue | End time must be less than or equal to start time |
id | NotFound | Promotion <id> does not exist |
groups | Malformed | A customer group is repeated |
groups | Malformed | There must be no more than 20 groups |
groups | NotFound | Customer group <group> does not exist |
hourLimits | Malformed | start and end cannot be equal |
largeImage | Malformed | File format is not a valid or supported format |
largeImage | Malformed | Image width and height must be less than 2500 pixel |
minQuantity | InvalidCombination | Minimum quantity cannot be null for 'DiscountedItems' promotions |
minQuantity | InvalidCombination | Minimum quantity must be null for <type> promotions |
promotion | InvalidValue | Promotions are not available for this installation |
resources | InvalidValue | 'DiscountSubtotal' and 'DiscountShippings' promotions cannot have resources |
resources | Malformed | There must be no more than 16.000 resources |
shippingMethods | InvalidValue | Only 'DiscountedShippings' promotions can have shipping methods |
shippingMethods | Malformed | There must be no more than 20 shipping methods |
shippingMethods | NotFound | Shipping method <method> does not exist |
smallImage | Malformed | File format is not a valid or supported format |
smallImage | Malformed | Image width and height must be less than 2500 pixel |
startTime | InvalidValue | Start time must be less than or equal to end time |
Deletes one or more promotions.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.promotions.delete', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.promotions.delete
"ids" : [ 43, 12, … ] // identifiers of the promotions to delete (required) - int(1…)
"status" : "ok"