Open2b versione 7.5

Storefront API

The "storefront" API defines the following methods:

accept-quote Accepts a quote creating a new order
best-sellers Returns the best selling products
blog-posts Returns the published blog posts
blog-tags Returns the blog tags
cart Returns and eventually updates and creates a cart
change-password Changes customer's password given the current password
change-password-code Changes customer's password given a verification code
check-email-exists Checks if an email already exists for a customer that can login
collections Returns the additional collections of a customer
create-order Creates an order from a cart
create-quote Creates a quote from a cart
customer Returns the customer's data
departments Returns the department tree
invoice Returns an invoice
invoices Returns the customer's invoices
login Logs in a customer with email and password
login-with Logs in a customer through a third party provider
logout Logs out the customer
newsletter-lists Returns the newsletter lists
order Returns an order
orders Returns the customer's orders
order-returns Returns the customer's order returns
packing-slip Returns a packing slip
pages Returns the site pages
producers Returns the producers
products Returns the products
product-images Returns the images of the products
promotions Returns the promotions
quote Returns a quote
quotes Returns the customer's quotes
receipt Returns a receipt
return-items Creates an order return to return one or more items
returnable-items Returns the items that the customer can return
reviews Returns merchant and product reviews
send-verification-email Sends an email with a code to verify a customer email address
sign-up Signs up a new customer
store Returns information and settings about the store
update-customer Updates the customer's data