Open2b versione 7.5


Returns the site pages.


  "ids" : [ 3, 21, … ], // identifiers of the pages to return - int(1…)
  "language" : "en", // language ( ISO code ) of the texts to return - string(2)
  "fields" : [ "id", "name", … ] // fields to return - string


  "status" : "ok",
  "pages" : [ {
    "id" : 12, // identifier - int(1…)
    "name" : "contacts", // name - string(1…120)
    "title" : "About Us", // title - string(0…80)
    "content" : "Our company...", // content as HTML - string(0…65535)
    "seo" : {
      "title" : "…", // title for SEO - string(0…255)
      "description" : "…" // description for SEO - string(0…255)
    "canonicalURL" : "", // canonical URL - string(10…)
    "templateFile" : "contact-us.html", // template file - string(6…255)
    "isSystemPage" : false, // indicates if it is a system page - bool
    "image" : { // image (can be null)
      "url" : "https://…", // url - string(53…255)
      "width" : 350, // width in pixels - int(1…2500)
      "height" : 200, // height in pixels - int(1…2500)
      "align" : "Left", // alignment, can be "Left", "Center" or "Right"
      "caption" : "" // caption - string(0…80)
    "productsLayout" : { // layout of the products on the page (can be null)
      "products" : 12, // number of products per page, can be 0, 12, 24, 36, 48 or 72 - int
      "columns" : 4, // columns, can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 - int
      "sortOrder" : "-Price", // sort order, can be "Position", "Name", "-Name", "Price", "-Price" or "Date" - string
      "imageSize" : "Optimal", // image size, can be "Optimal", Small", "Medium" or "Large" - string
      "showDescription" : false // indicates if the description is displayed - bool
    "resources" : [ { // resources to which the page is associated (can be null)
      "id" : "91", // identifier of the resource - int(1…)
      "type" : "Department" // type of the resource, can be "Department", "Producer" or "AttributeValue" - string
    }, {
      "id" : "46",
      "type" : "AttributeValue"
    }, … ]
  }, … ]