Returns the privacy consents that meet the given conditions.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.privacy-consents.find', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.privacy-consents.find
"conditions" : { // returns only the privacy consents …
"processings" : [ 12, 2 ], // … of these processings - int(1…255)
"typesOfData" : [ "Order" ], // … with these types of data can be "Cart", Order", "Quote" or "Customer"- string,
"data" : [ 1, 44 ], // … of these data (id) - int(1…)
"lastAction" : "Give", // … with this last action, can be "Give" or "Whithdraw" - string
"fromActionTime" : "2020-12-03 13:13:47", // … action time equal or next to this - string
"after" : { // … with identifier after this value
"processing": 3, // … processing identifier (required) - int(1…255)
"typeOfData": "Order", // … type of data, can be "Cart", "Order", "Quote" or "Customer" (required) - string
"data" : 11342 // … data identifier (required) - int(1…)
"fields" : [ "processing", "typeOfData", … ], // fields to return - string
"order" : [ "processing" ], // sort order of returned privacy consents, can contain "-processing", "processing", "-typeOfData", "typeOfData", "-data", "data", "-lastAction", "lastAction", "-actionTime" or "actionTime"
"limit" : 10, // maximum number of privacy consents to return - int(1…)
"first" : 0 // index of the first privacy consent to return - int(0…)
"status" : "ok",
"consents" : [ {
"processing" : 3, // processing - int(1…255)
"typeOfData": "Order", // type of data, can be "Cart", "Order", "Quote" or "Customer" - string
"data" : 12, // data, must be an identifier of a customer, a cart, an order or a quote - int(1…)
"lastAction" : "Give", // last action, can be "Give" or "Withdraw" - string
"ip" : "", // IP address of the device from which the consent has been given or withdrawn (can be null) - string(3…39)
"actionTime" : "2020-12-05 09:24:01", // last action time - datetime
"via" : "Site", // action done through this means - string
"processingTitle" : "Terms and Conditions", // name of the processing - string(2) -> string(0…60)
"processingDescription" : "" // description of the processing - string(2) -> string(0…1000)
}, … ]
Gives one or more consents.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.privacy-consents.give', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.privacy-consents.give
"consents" : [ { // privacy consents to give (required)
"processing" : 3, // processing (required) - int(1…255)
"typeOfData": "Order", // type of data, can be "Cart", "Order", "Quote" or "Customer" (required) - string
"data" : 12, // data, must be an identifier of a customer, a cart, an order or a quote (required) - int(1…)
"ip" : "", // IP address of the device from which the consent has been given or withdrawn (can be null) - string(3…39)
"via" : "Site", // action done through this means - string
"processingTitle" : "Terms and Conditions", // name of the processing (required) - string(0…60)
"processingDescription" : "" // description of the processing (required) - string(0…1000)
}, … ]
"status" : "ok"
Field | Type | Description |
data | NotFound | Data <id> of type '<typeOfData> ' does not exist |
ip | Malformed | '<ip> ' is not a well formed IP address |
ip | Malformed | IP '<ip> ' is not in the RFC 5952 canonical representation format |
processing | NotFound | Privacy processing <id> does not exist |
typeOfData | InvalidValue | Type of data cannot be '<typeOfData> ' for this processing |
Withdraws one or more consents.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.privacy-consents.withdraw', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.privacy-consents.withdraw
"consents" : [ { // privacy consents to give (required)
"processing" : 3, // processing (required) - int(1…255)
"typeOfData": "Order", // type of data, can be "Cart", "Order", "Quote" or "Customer" (required) - string
"data" : 12, // data, must be an identifier of a customer, a cart, an order or a quote (required) - int(1…)
"ip" : "", // IP address of the device from which the consent has been given or withdrawn (can be null) - string(3…39)
"actionTime" : "2020-12-05 09:24:01", // time when consent was given - datetime
"via" : "Site" // action done through this means - string
}, … ]
"status" : "ok"
Field | Type | Description |
consent | NotFound | Privacy consent for '<typeOfData> ' does not exists |
ip | Malformed | '<ip> ' is not a well formed IP address |
ip | Malformed | IP '<ip> ' is not in the RFC 5952 canonical representation format |
processing | NotFound | Privacy processing <id> does not exist |
Deletes one or more privacy consents.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.privacy-consents.delete', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.privacy-consents.delete
"consents" : [ { // privacy consents to delete (required)
"processing" : 3, // processing (required) - int(1…255)
"typeOfData": "Order", // type of data, can be "Cart", "Order", "Quote" or "Customer" (required) - string
"data" : 12 // data, must be an identifier of a customer, a cart, an order or a quote (required) - int(1…)
}, … ]
"status" : "ok"