Returns the items that meet the given conditions.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.items.find', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.items.find
"conditions" : { // returns only the items …
"skus" : [ "A927TP", "C371PR", … ], // … with these SKUs - string(1…40)
"isPrimary" : true, // … that are primary for their products - bool
"hasPrice" : false, // … that has price for the provided price list or customer group - bool
"barcode" : "09781555553333", // … with this GTIN barcode ( EAN13, UPC o ISBN13 ) - string(14)
"options" : [ 46, 19, null ], // … with these options (id) - int(1…)
"products" : [ 295, 97, … ], // … of these products (id) - int(1…)
"department" : 34, // … contained in this department (id) - int(1…)
"producer" : 147, // … of this producer (id) - int(1…)
"supplier" : 285, // … of this supplier (id)- int(1…)
"keywords" : "shirt", // … with these words in SKU or Name - string(1…100)
"isForSale" : true, // … that are for sale - bool
"skuLessThan" : "C371PR", // … with SKU less than this - string(1…40)
"toReorder" : false, // … that should be reordered - bool
"fromUpdateTime" : "2020-02-05 12:00:00", // … with update time after this date - datetime
"after" : "A927TP" // … with identifier after this value - string(0…40)
"language" : "en", // language ( ISO code ) used in the conditions and for the texts to return - string(2)
"list" : 3, // price list (id) or customer group (id) to return and use for price conditions - int(1…255)
"fields" : [ "sku", "product", "isPrimary", … ], // fields to return - string
"order" : [ "sku" ], // sort order of returned items, can contain "sku", "-sku", "product", "-product", "barcode", "-barcode",
// "department", "-department", "producer", "-producer", "price", "-price",
// "name", "-name", "reorderDays", "-reorderDays", "quantityToReorder", "-quantityToReorder",
// "stock", "-stock", "stockLevel", "-stockLevel", "reorderLimit", "-reorderLimit", "supplier", "-supplier",
// "supplierSKU", "-supplierSKU", "updateTime" and "-updateTime" - string
"limit" : 10, // maximum number of items to return - int(1…)
"first" : 50 // index of the first item to return - int(0…)
"status" : "ok",
"items" : [ {
"sku" : "A927TP", // SKU - string(1…40)
"product" : 295, // product (id) - int(1…)
"isPrimary" : false, // indicates if it is the product's primary item - bool
"barcode" : "09781555553333", // GTIN barcode ( EAN13, UPC or ISBN13 ) (can be null) - string(14)
"departments" : [ 63, 12 ], // departments (id), one or more, up to 5 - int(1…)
"producer" : 290, // product's producer (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
"weight" : 0.452, // weight - decimal[6,3](0…)
"width": 25, // width in centimeters - decimal[6,2](0…)
"height": 18, // height in centimeters - decimal[6,2](0…)
"depth": 7, // depth in centimeters - decimal[6,2](0…)
"price" : { // price for each price list and customer group - int(1…255) -> decimal[10,3](0…)
"1" : 50.100, // (can be null)
"3" : 56.420, // (can be null)
"4" : 49.555, // (can be null)
"thumbnailImage" : { // thumbnail image (can be null)
"url" : "https://…", // url - string(10…)
"url2x" : "https://…", // double resolution url (can be null) - string(10…)
"width" : 40, // width in pixels - int(1…)
"height" : 30 // height in pixels - int(1…)
"smallImage" : { // small image (can be null)
"url" : "https://…", // url - string(10…)
"url2x" : "https://…", // double resolution url (can be null) - string(10…)
"width" : 70, // width in pixel - int(50…250)
"height" : 70 // height in pixel - int(50…250)
"mediumImage" : { // medium image (can be null)
"url" : "https://…", // url - string(10…)
"url2x" : "https://…", // double resolution url (can be null) - string(10…)
"width" : 150, // Width in pixel - int(50…250)
"height" : 150 // height in pixel - int(50…250)
"largeImage" : { // large image (can be null)
"url" : "https://…", // url - string(10…)
"url2x" : "https://…", // double resolution url (can be null) - string(10…)
"width" : 300, // width in pixel - int(250…800)
"height" : 300 // height in pixel - int(250…800)
"zoomImage" : { // zoom image (can be null)
"url" : "https://…", // url - string(10…)
"url2x" : "https://…", // double resolution url (can be null) - string(10…)
"width" : 800, // width in pixel - int(250…800)
"height" : 800 // height in pixel - int(250…800)
"name" : { // product's name - string(2) -> string(0…120)
"en" : "Book",
"it" : "Libro",
"isForSale" : true, // indicates if the product is for sale - bool
"stock" : 62.00, // quantity in stock - decimal[11,2](0…)
"stockLevel" : 90, // stock level - int(0…32000)
"reorderLimit" : 10, // reorder limit - int(0…32000)
"orderEvenNotAvailable" : true, // indicates if it can be ordered even if it is not available - bool
"quantityStepsOn" : "Orders", // indicates when quantity must be equal to, or a multiple of, the first tier quantity. Can be "Orders", "Quotes", "OrdersAndQuotes" (can be null) -- "Orders"
"reorderDays" : 5, // days to wait before it returns available - int(0…255)
"quantityToReorder" : 0, // quantity to reorder from the suppliers - int(0…)
"supplier" : 285, // supplier (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
"supplierSKU" : "DF0261C", // supplier SKU - string(0…40)
"options" : [ 46, 19, null ], // options (id) - int(1…)
"taxClass" : 5, // product's tax class (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
"updateTime" : "2020-09-01 10:55:39" // last update time - datetime
}, … ]
Field | Type | Description |
barcode | Malformed | <barcode> is not a GTIN barcode |
language | NotFound | Language <language> does not exist |
list | InvalidCombination | Price list or customer group are required if 'hasPrice' condition is provided |
list | InvalidCombination | Price list or customer group are required to sort by price |
list | NotFound | Price list or customer group <list> does not exist |
Returns an item given its SKU.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.items.get', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.items.get
"sku" : "A927TP", // SKU of the item (required) - string(1…40)
"language" : "en", // language ( ISO code ) of the texts to return - string(2)
"list" : 3, // price list or customer group - int(1…255)
"fields" : [ "sku", "product", "isPrimary", … ] // fields to return - string
"status" : "ok",
"item" : { // (can be null)
"sku" : "A927TP", // SKU - string(1…40)
"product" : 295, // product (id) - int(1…)
"isPrimary" : false, // indicates if it is the product's primary item - bool
"barcode" : "09781555553333", // GTIN barcode ( EAN13, UPC or ISBN13 ) (can be null) - string(14)
"departments" : [ 63, 12 ], // departments (id), one or more, up to 5 - int(1…)
"producer" : 290, // product's producer (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
"weight" : 0.452, // weight - decimal[6,3](0…)
"width": 25, // width in centimeters - decimal[6,2](0…)
"height": 18, // height in centimeters - decimal[6,2](0…)
"depth": 7, // depth in centimeters - decimal[6,2](0…)
"price" : { // price for each price list and customer group - int(1…255) -> decimal[10,3](0…)
"1" : 50.100, // (can be null)
"3" : 56.420, // (can be null)
"4" : 49.555, // (can be null)
"thumbnailImage" : { // thumbnail image (can be null)
"url" : "https://…", // url - string(10…)
"url2x" : "https://…", // double resolution url (can be null) - string(10…)
"width" : 40, // width in pixels - int(1…)
"height" : 30 // height in pixels - int(1…)
"smallImage" : { // small image (can be null)
"url" : "https://…", // url - string(10…)
"url2x" : "https://…", // double resolution url (can be null) - string(10…)
"width" : 70, // width in pixel - int(50…250)
"height" : 70 // height in pixel - int(50…250)
"mediumImage" : { // medium image (can be null)
"url" : "https://…", // url - string(10…)
"url2x" : "https://…", // double resolution url (can be null) - string(10…)
"width" : 150, // Width in pixel - int(50…250)
"height" : 150 // height in pixel - int(50…250)
"largeImage" : { // large image (can be null)
"url" : "https://…", // url - string(10…)
"url2x" : "https://…", // double resolution url (can be null) - string(10…)
"width" : 300, // width in pixel - int(250…800)
"height" : 300 // height in pixel - int(250…800)
"zoomImage" : { // zoom image (can be null)
"url" : "https://…", // url - string(10…)
"url2x" : "https://…", // double resolution url (can be null) - string(10…)
"width" : 800, // width in pixel - int(250…800)
"height" : 800 // height in pixel - int(250…800)
"name" : { // product's name - string(2) -> string(0…120)
"en" : "Book",
"it" : "Libro",
"isForSale" : true, // indicates if the product is for sale - bool
"stock" : 62.00, // quantity in stock - decimal[11,2](0…)
"stockLevel" : 90, // stock level - int(0…32000)
"reorderLimit" : 10, // reorder limit - int(0…32000)
"orderEvenNotAvailable" : true, // indicates if it can be ordered even if it is not available - bool
"quantityStepsOn" : "Orders", // indicates when quantity must be equal to, or a multiple of, the first tier quantity. Can be "Orders", "Quotes", "OrdersAndQuotes" (can be null) -- "Orders"
"reorderDays" : 5, // days to wait before it returns available - int(0…255)
"quantityToReorder" : 0, // quantity to reorder from the suppliers - int(0…)
"supplier" : 285, // supplier (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
"supplierSKU" : "DF0261C", // supplier SKU - string(0…40)
"options" : [ 46, 19, null ], // options (id) - int(1…)
"taxClass" : 5, // product's tax class (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
"updateTime" : "2020-09-01 10:55:39" // last update time - datetime
Number of items that meet the specified conditions.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.items.count', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.items.count
"conditions" : { // counts only the items …
"skus" : [ "A927TP", "C371PR", … ], // … with these SKUs - string(1…40)
"isPrimary" : true, // … that are primary for their products - bool
"hasPrice" : false, // … that has price for the provided price list or customer group - bool
"barcode" : "09781555553333", // … with this GTIN barcode ( EAN13, UPC o ISBN13 ) - string(14)
"options" : [ 46, 19, null ], // … with these options (id) - int(1…)
"products" : [ 295, 97, … ], // … of these products (id) - int(1…)
"department" : 34, // … contained in this department (id) - int(1…)
"producer" : 147, // … of this producer (id) - int(1…)
"supplier" : 285, // … of this supplier (id)- int(1…)
"keywords" : "shirt", // … with these words in SKU or Name - string(1…100)
"isForSale" : true, // … that are for sale - bool
"skuLessThan" : "C371PR", // … with SKU less than this - string(1…40)
"toReorder" : false, // … that should be reordered - bool
"fromUpdateTime" : "2020-02-05 12:00:00", // … with update time after this date - datetime
"after" : "A927TP" // … with identifier after this value - string(0…40)
"language" : "en", // language ( ISO code ) used in the conditions - string(2)
"list" : 3 // price list (id) or customer group (id) for price conditions - int(1…255)
"status" : "ok",
"count" : 23 // number of items - int(0…)
Field | Type | Description |
language | NotFound | Language <language> does not exist |
list | InvalidCombination | Price list or customer group are required if 'hasPrice' condition is provided |
list | NotFound | Price list or customer group <list> does not exist |
Creates a new item.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.items.create', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.items.create
"item" : { // item to create (required)
"sku" : "A927TP", // SKU (required) - string(1…40)
"product" : 295, // product (id) (required) - int(1…)
"barcode" : "09781555553333", // GTIN barcode ( EAN13, UPC or ISBN13 ) (can be null) - string(14)
"weight" : 0.452, // weight - decimal[6,3](0…)
"width": 25, // width in centimeters - decimal[6,2](0…)
"height": 18, // height in centimeters - decimal[6,2](0…)
"depth": 7, // depth in centimeters - decimal[6,2](0…)
"price" : { // price for each price list - int(1…255) -> decimal[10,3](0…)
"1" : 56.332, // (can be null)
"3" : 60.050, // (can be null)
"4" : 54.100, // (can be null)
"supplier" : 7201, // supplier (id) (can be null) - int(1…)
"supplierSKU" : "DF0261C", // supplier SKU - string(0…40)
"stock" : 62.00, // quantity in stock - decimal[11,2](0…)
"stockLevel" : 90, // stock level - int(0…32000)
"reorderLimit" : 10, // reorder limit - int(0…32000)
"orderEvenNotAvailable" : true, // indicates if it can be ordered even if it is not available - bool
"quantityStepsOn" : "Orders", // indicates when quantity must be equal to, or a multiple of, the first tier quantity. Can be "Orders", "Quotes", "OrdersAndQuotes" (can be null) -- "Orders"
"reorderDays" : 5, // days to wait before it returns available - int(0…255)
"options" : [ 46, 19, null ] // options (id) - int(1…)
"status" : "ok"
Field | Type | Description |
barcode | Malformed | <barcode> is not a GTIN barcode |
options | InvalidValue | Option <option> does not belong to variant <variant> |
options | InvalidValue | Product <product> does not have the [first|second|third] variant |
options | NotFound | Option <option> does not exist |
product | NotFound | Product <product> does not exist |
sku | AlreadyExists | SKU '<sku> ' already exists |
sku | Malformed | SKU is empty |
supplier | NotFound | Supplier <supplier> does not exist |
Updates an item. Any fields left out of the request will remain unchanged.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.items.update', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.items.update
"sku" : "A927TP", // SKU of the item to update (required) - string(1…40)
"item" : { // item's fields to update (required)
"sku" : "A927TP", // new SKU - string(1…40)
"barcode" : "09781555553333", // GTIN barcode ( EAN13, UPC or ISBN13 ) (can be null) - string(14)
"weight" : 0.452, // weight - decimal[6,3](0…)
"width": 25, // width in centimeters - decimal[6,2](0…)
"height": 18, // height in centimeters - decimal[6,2](0…)
"depth": 7, // depth in centimeters - decimal[6,2](0…)
"price" : { // price for each price list - int(1…255) -> decimal[10,3](0…)
"1" : 56.332, // (can be null)
"3" : 60.050, // (can be null)
"4" : 54.100, // (can be null)
"supplier" : 7201, // supplier (can be null) - int(1…)
"supplierSKU" : "DF0261C", // supplier SKU - string(0…32)
"stock" : 62.00, // quantity in stock - decimal[11,2](0…)
"stockLevel" : 90, // stock level - int(0…32000)
"reorderLimit" : 10, // reorder limit - int(0…32000)
"orderEvenNotAvailable" : false, // indicates if it can be ordered even if it is not available - bool
"quantityStepsOn" : "Orders", // indicates when quantity must be equal to, or a multiple of, the first tier quantity. Can be "Orders", "Quotes", "OrdersAndQuotes" (can be null) -- "Orders"
"reorderDays" : 3, // days to wait before it returns available - int(0…255)
"options" : [ 26, 31, null ] // options (id) - int(1…)
"status" : "ok"
Field | Type | Description |
barcode | Malformed | <barcode> is not a GTIN barcode |
options | InvalidValue | Option <option> does not belong to variant <variant> |
options | InvalidValue | Product <product> does not have the [first|second|third] variant |
options | Malformed | 'options' has more than three ids |
options | NotFound | Option <option> does not exist |
sku | AlreadyExists | SKU '<sku> ' already exists |
sku | Malformed | SKU is empty |
stockLevel | InvalidValue | Stock level <stockLevel> is not greater than reorder limit <reorderLimit> |
supplier | NotFound | Supplier <supplier> does not exist |
Updates the stock of one or more items.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.items.update-stock', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.items.update-stock
"stock" : { // SKU and stock quantity for each item to update (required) - string(1…40) -> decimal[11,2](0…)
"A927TP" : 23.00,
"H129OL/2" : 58.55,
"status" : "ok"
Field | Type | Description |
stock | Malformed | A SKU is empty |
stock | Malformed | Can not update more than 100 items |
stock | Malformed | There must be at least one item to update |
Deletes one or more items. A primary item can be deleted only deleting the product.
Admin SDKAdmin.api('commerce.items.delete', request, function(response) { … });
HTTP POST/api/v10/commerce.items.delete
"skus" : [ "A927TP", "C371PR", … ] // skus of the items to delete (required) - string(1…40)
"status" : "ok"
Field | Type | Description |
skus | Invalid | Item '<sku> ' is a main item |